RStudio Commands

data(iris)Load Data From iris
view(iris)View the Data From iris
view(iris[["Petal.Length"]])View the Data From the Column Named "Petal.Length" from iris
mean(iris[["Petal.Length"]])Return the Mean From the Iris Data Column Named "Petal.Length"
median(iris[["Petal.Length"]])Return the Median From the Iris Data Column Named "Petal.Length"
getMode <- function(v) { uniqv <- unique(v); uniqv[which.max(tabulate(match(v, uniqv)))] } This allows the getmode to be used.
getMode(x)Returns the Mode(s)of the Data Provided. (Requires the function above)
max(x)Returns the max value of the Data Provided.
min(x)Returns the min value of the Data Provided.
getRange <- function(v) { Max1 <- max(v); Min1 <- min(v); Max1-Min1 } This allows the getmode to be used.
getRange(x)Returns the range of the Data Provided.
fivenum(x)Returns the 5-Number Summary.
boxplot((x), plot=FALSE)$outReturns the Outliers of the Data Provided.
boxplot(x,main="Title Here",horizontal=TRUE)Creates Boxplot for the Data Provided with a Custom Title. The Boxplot is also horizontal instead of vertical.