

The size of the network pipe. Measured in bps.


Also called Interpacket gap

Time Between packets. Packets don't flow at in perfect sync.

Round Trip Time (RTT)

Time for a packet to be sent from sender, to receiver, then back.

Propagation Delay

The Delay of the first bit from the sender to the receiver. Propagation Delay = Distance/Speed

Transmission Delay

The Delay for the transmission of all the data from sender to the receiver.

Queuing Delay

The Delay of enqueuing and dequeuing the packets during statistical multiplexing.


Delay in sending packets. Measured in ms.

Equation: Latency = Propagation Delay + transmission Delay + Queuing Delay

Full Equation

Delay = Handshake + Transmission + Propagation + Queuing

Example Problem

Lecture 2 Slide 14

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