List of Exam 2 information

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Lecture 10

Moving Smaller Data Types to Larger Ones
Instruction Description
movsz eax, bx

Use this for unsigned values(only positive).Assigns the value in bx, to eax by adding all zeros in the additional 2 byte space ahead of bx. The Z is for zero.

A way to replicate this is by moving 0 to the larger destination register first, then moving the value to the smaller version of the destination register.

movsx eax, bx

Use this for signed values(positive or negative). Assigns the value in bx, to eax.

"div" Examples: Unsigned Division Operator
Instruction Description
mov ax, 13
mov bl, 3
div bl

8 bit Unsigned Division. Divides 13 by 3. The result will be stored in AL (4), the remainder will be stored in AH (1).

Note: AX has to be assigned, you cannot use a different register for the dividend.

mov dx, 0
mov ax, 13
mov cx, 3
div cx

16 bit Unsigned Division. Divides 13 by 3. The result will be stored in AX (4), the remainder will be stored in DX (1).

Note: DX and AX have to be assigned, you cannot use different registers for the dividend.

mov edx, 0
mov eax, 13
mov ecx, 3
div ecx

32 bit Unsigned Division. Divides 13 by 3. The result will be stored in EAX (4), the remainder will be stored in EDX (1).

Note: EDX and EAX have to be assigned, you cannot use different registers for the dividend.

Lecture 11

Signed Extension Instructions
Instruction Description
byteVal SBYTE -101  ; 9Bh

mov al, byteVal     ; AL = 9Bh
cbw                 ; AX = FF9Bh

CBW means convert byte to word.

CBW converts signed value in AL, and stores the result in AX

wordVal SWORD -101  ; FF9Bh

mov ax, wordVal     ; AX = FF9Bh
cwd                 ; DX = FFFFh
                    ; AX = FF9Bh

CWD means convert word to double word.

CWD converts signed value in AX, and stores the result in DX and AX

dwordVal SDWORD -101  ; FFFFFF9Bh

mov eax, dwordVal
cdq             ; EDX = FFFFFFFFh
                ; EAX = FFFFFF9Bh

CDQ means convert double word to quad word.

CDQ converts signed value in EAX, and stores the result in EDX and EAX

"idiv" Examples: Signed Division Operator
Instruction Description
mov ax, 13
mov bl, 3
idiv bl

8 bit Signed Division. Divides 13 by 3. The result will be stored in AL (4), the remainder will be stored in AH (1).

Note: AX has to be assigned, you cannot use a different register for the dividend.

mov dx, 0
mov ax, 13
mov cx, 3
idiv cx

16 bit Signed Division. Divides 13 by 3. The result will be stored in AX (4), the remainder will be stored in DX (1).

Note: DX and AX have to be assigned, you cannot use different registers for the dividend.

mov edx, 0
mov eax, 13
mov ecx, 3
idiv ecx

32 bit Signed Division. Divides 13 by 3. The result will be stored in EAX (4), the remainder will be stored in EDX (1).

Note: EDX and EAX have to be assigned, you cannot use different registers for the dividend.

Division Operator Notes
Problem Solution

If the result wont fit inside the destination operand, the program will crash.

Store the operands in larger registers (if possible).

Dividing by zero

Compare (cmp) the divisor against zero and jump if equal to (je) past the division to prevent program crashing.

Lecture 14

Unconditional Jump
Instruction Description
mov eax, 0

    inc eax
    jmp L1

Jumps to L1 infinitely.

Compare Operator
Instruction Description
mov eax, 0

    inc eax
    cmp eax, 10
    jb L1

Jumps to L1 while eax is less than (below) 10.

Conditional Jumps (After Signed Comparison)
Instruction Description


Jump if Greater. Signed Flag Equals Overflow Flag and Zero Flag Equals 0.


Jump if NOT Less Than or Equal to.


Jump if Greater or Equal to. Signed Flag Equals Overflow Flag


Jump if NOT Less Than.


Jump if Less Than. Signed Flag Does Not Equal Overflow Flag.


Jump if NOT Greater Than or Equal to.


Jump if Less Than or Equal to. Signed Flag Does Not Equal Overflow Flag and Zero Flag Equals 1.


Jump if NOT Greater Than.

Conditional Jumps (After Unsigned Comparison)
Instruction Description


Jump if Above. Carry Flag Equals 0 and Zero Flag Equals 0.


Jump if NOT Below or Equal.


Jump if Above or Equal.


Jump if NOT Below.


Jump if Below. Carry Flag Equals 0.


Jump if NOT Above or Equal.


Jump if Below or Equal.


Jump if NOT Above.

Conditional Jumps (Additional)
Instruction Description


Jump if Equal. Zero Flag Equals 1.


Jump if Zero.


Jump if NOT Equal. Zero Flag Equals 0.


Jump if NOT Zero.


Jump if Sign. Signed Flag Equals 1.


Jump if Carry. Carry Flag Equals 1.


Jump if Overflow. Overflow Equals 1.


Jump if value in EAX is Zero.


Many Others Exist. Ex. jns, jnc, jno

Instruction Description
mov ecx, 0

    cmp ecx, 10
    je EndL1

    ; Other Code Goes Here

    inc ecx
    jmp L1

While Loop. Always Jump at the End, and Compare at the begining.

mov ecx, 10

    ; Other Code Here

    loop L1

Loop instruction. This will jump to L1 until ecx is equal to zero. This will auto decrement ecx each time it is called.

mov ecx, 10

    ; Other Code Here

    loop L1

For Loop. Use the loop Operator. ECX stores the current iteration (from upper bound to lower). See Loop Instruction For Details.

mov eax, 0

    ; Other Code Goes Here

    inc eax
    cmp eax, 10
    jb L1

(Do while) Until Loop. Dont Compare for Jump Till the End.


ecx is used in loops by several operators. jecxz can be used to prevent infinite loops if ecx were to reach 0.

Instruction Description
arrayName DWORD 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21

Array Definition. Length is 8. Values are Fibonacci numbers.

arrayName DWORD 9 DUP (?)

Array Definition. Length is 9. Values are essentially null/0

arrayName DWORD 10 DUP (1)

Array Definition. Length is 10. Values are all 1

arrayName DWORD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
mov ecx, 3
mov edx, arrayName[4*ecx] ; Gets 4 bytes at index 3.

The array is Length 5. Gets 4 bytes(the size of edx) at index 3(12 bytes skipped). EDX Will Contain 4

arrayName WORD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
mov cx, 4
mov dx, arrayName[2*cx] ; Gets 4 bytes at index 4.

The array is Length 5. Gets 2 bytes(the size of dx) at index 4(8 bytes skipped). DX Will Contain 5

Lecture 17

Basic Stack Operations
Instruction Description
push eax

Pushes value of EAX onto the stack. (Works with WORD and DWORD)

pushd eax

Pushes value of EAX onto the stack. (Works with DWORD)

pushw ax

Pushes value of AX onto the stack. (Works with WORD)

Notes For Pushing:

Each Push Decrements ESP by the size of the object pushed. The Object is inserted at ESP after ESP has been moved. Flags are not changed.

pop eax

Pops the Value off of the stack and stores it in EAX. (Works with WORD and DWORD)

Notes For Popping:

The Object is copied from stack at ESP to the destination (Size determined by the input size from the related push). Then Pop Increments ESP by the size of the object. Flags are not changed.

Notes For Stack:

Order Matters!!!!!!!!!! See Examples Below.

push eax
push edx
push edi

; Other Code Goes Here

pop edi
pop edx
pop eax

Example 1: Order is maintained. EAX, EDX, and EDI Values Are Protected/Restored.


; Other Code Goes Here


Example 2: Order is maintained. All Registers and Flags Are Protected/Restored.

  • _
  • _
  • _
  • _
  • _
  • _
  • _
  • _

Empty Stack. Of Size 8

push 1h ; One Byte
push Fh ; One Byte
mov eax, FFEEDDCCh
push eax ; Four Bytes
  • 01h
  • 0Fh
  • FFh
  • EEh
  • DDh
  • CCh
  • _
  • _

Stack after three pushes. Of Size 8. The compiler should throw errors if you attempt to pop off the wrong size variable.

push 1h ; One Byte
push Fh ; One Byte
mov eax, FFEEDDCCh
push eax ; Four Bytes
mov dx 110h
push dx ; Two Bytes
  • 01h
  • 0Fh
  • FFh
  • EEh
  • DDh
  • CCh
  • 1h
  • 10h

Stack after four pushes. Of Size 8. The compiler should throw errors if you attempt to pop off the wrong size variable.

Additional Stack Operations
Instruction Description

Pushes value of All Registers onto the stack.


Pushes value of EFlagS Register onto the stack.


Pops the Values off of the stack and stores the associated registers.


Pops the Value off of the stack and stores the associated registers.

Addressing the Stack
Instruction Description
mov eax, [ebp + 8]

Moves the value of the first (latest added) variable into eax.

mov eax, [ebp + 12]

Moves the value of the second variable into eax.

mov ax, [ebp + 10]

Moves the value of the second variable into ax. Assuming the first and second Values are WORD.

push ax
push ebx
push ecx
push dx
[ebp+8] ; dx
[ebp+10] ; ecx
[ebp+14] ; ebx
[ebp+18] ; ax

Number on the right is calculated with, 8+(Sum of each previous variable's size).

Procedure Operations

Sub-Program. Self Contained. Similar to a Function.

Instruction Description
procName PROC
    ; Other Code Goes Here

    procName ENDP

Definition of a Procedure

call procName

Calling a Previously Defined Procedure


Similar to Return. This basically sets the instruction pointers back to previous program.


Push and Pop operations are generally self contained. Do NOT attempt to push values onto the stack to return them. So if you enter the proc with 3 DWORDs in stack, you must exit with at most 3 DWORDs.

ret n

Similar to ret. This will pop n bytes off of the stack to ensure stack returning to previous state. This basically sets the instruction pointers back to previous program.

Associated Definitions:

Parameters are in the Definition of the Procedure.

Arguments are sent during a Procedure Call.


Parameters are passed on the stack prior the Procedure Call.

procName PROC
    push ebp ; Protect Stack Frame
    mov ebp, esp ; Protects Local Variables
    sub esp, 0 ; Replace 0 with the number of bytes for localVars

    ; Other Register Pushes Go Here


    ; Other Code Goes Here


    ; Other Register Pops Go Here

    pop ebp ; Restore Stack Frame
    procName ENDP

Full Example of a Procedure Definition.


Stack changes during procedure. I recommend looking at Lecture 20 Slide 15 and 16 for Examples.


Expose the PROC for other asm files to use.

Pointer/Address Operations
Instruction Description
lea eax, variableName

Moves the Memory Address of variableName into eax

mov eax, OFFSET variableName

This is 1 CPU Cycle Faster! Moves the Memory Address of variableName into eax

mov [eax], 10

Moves the value 10 into the variable whose address is in eax.

lea eax, variableName
mov [eax], 10

Moves the value 10 into variableName.

lea eax, variableName
mov ebx, [eax]

Moves the value of variableName into ebx.

Local Variable Operations
Instruction Description


Starts at [ebp-4], then decrement by the size of the required variable. This is the opposite of the push/pop allocations.

Make Sure to move esi past the end of the lowest LocalVariable to prevent overwriting them.

procName PROC
    push ebp ; Protect Stack Frame
    mov ebp, esp ; Protects Local Variables
    sub esp, 8 ; Replace 0 with the number of bytes for localVars
    ; local var 1 is  [ebp-4] size of 4 bytes
    ; Local Var 2 is  [ebp-8] size of 4 bytes

    ; Other Register Pushes Go Here


    ; Other Code Goes Here


    ; Other Register Pops Go Here

    pop ebp ; Restore Stack Frame
    procName ENDP

Example 1: ESP is decremented by 8, allowing 8 bytes to be safe.

Instruction Description
nameOfMacro MACRO arg1, arg2, arg3
    ; Other Code Goes Here


Definition of A Macro with 3 args (you can put as many as you want)


Basically A Function. This is pass by reference.